8 Sep 2022
  • Website Development

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


The cloud is a powerful tool for helping companies build better solutions for their customers. But it's also a very complicated one. There are many different cloud technologies, making it difficult to know where to start and what to do next. I'll explain some of the most common cloud technologies and how they're used in business today.

Cloud-based on-demand applications and services

Cloud-based on-demand applications and services are available when you need them, where you need them, and from any device with internet access. Cloud technology allows businesses to scale their application as needed without investing in expensive hardware or software upfront. Low investment means companies can get up and running with a simple solution, then grow into more complex solutions as demand increases or needs change.

Cloud computing includes three essential components:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • SaaS applications are accessed via the web, so users don't have to install anything on their computer
  • PaaS offers development tools for building new apps
  • IaaS provides virtualized servers for hosting websites or other web services

Real-time integration capabilities

With cloud technology, you can integrate your systems with other technologies. This is a great way to expand your customer base and increase sales.

Real-time data updates are another benefit of cloud computing. You don't have to worry about waiting for software updates or waiting for IT support to configure it for you.

With cloud technology, there's no need for you or anyone else in your organization to install software on their computers or learn new software that may be difficult or time-consuming.

Responsive, personalized and adaptive user experiences

What do you get when you take a responsive web design and add adaptive technology? A personalized, contextual experience that responds to the user's needs.

The ability to collect, analyze and use data helps create a more customized customer experience. For example, suppose someone comes back to your site multiple times but never makes a purchase. In that case, you can use this information—along with other data points like the time of day or where they are located geographically—to target them with marketing campaigns based on their behavior and likely needs at that moment in time.

Mobile applications and collaboration tools

Cloud technology can be used to assist with a variety of tasks, including:

  • Customer experience engineering
  • Integration
  • CRM (Customer relationship management)
  • e-Commerce

Cloud architecture is also a great way to improve collaboration tools by integrating user-friendly applications like Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Drive.

Cloud-based solutions are more flexible. With cloud technology, you can run your software in a way that fits your users’ needs. It’s easy to make changes on the fly without having to worry about creating new code or sending updates out to users. You can also scale up or down as needed, depending on how much (or little) usage the app is getting at any given time.

The cloud is also great for cost effectiveness because it allows companies to pay only when they use their software—the opposite of traditional licensed solutions that require upfront costs and ongoing payments even if they don't have anyone using them at any given time. And since adding new employees doesn't mean purchasing more hardware or software licenses; this solution will save money over time by helping businesses minimize overhead expenses like IT management costs and associated licensing fees for each employee's machine(s).

Finally, the security benefits of storing data in an offsite location mean fewer worries about hackers targeting valuable information from internal networks


The cloud is a powerful tool for helping companies build better solutions. Companies can use cloud-based solutions to develop and deploy new products more quickly.

Tyrone Showers