9 Sep 2022
  • Website Development

Boost Sales & Profits with Effective CRM Solutions

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


If you're a sales professional, you've likely heard about all the benefits of using a CRM (or customer relationship management) system. Even if you know what a CRM is and why it would be helpful for your business, it's still hard to switch from whatever system you're currently using. In this post, I'll explore why switching to a CRM might be right for your business and how it can help increase sales and profits.

CRMs offer extensive lead management for your sales force

In simple terms, a CRM is designed to manage leads. It can be used to track the progress of a lead from start to finish. In doing so, it can also assign leads to different team members who are working on them. This helps you make sure that your salespeople aren't hoarding all the good leads for themselves.

You might think this would be counterproductive, but it makes sense: by assigning specific tasks and responsibilities for each lead (which happens in a CRM), you encourage teamwork throughout the sales process. Instead of letting your employees go off into their worlds without any structure or leadership, you keep them accountable for their work through regular check-ins and reporting systems as well as automated notifications when something needs attention sooner rather than later. You know exactly who should be talking with a particular prospect at any given time.

And most importantly? You get real-time insight into how successful each lead has been so far. That means no longer having any mystery about whether or not those leads are worth pursuing further—you will always have full visibility into which ones need more help before they become profitable customers.

You can better manage your sales with a CRM

A CRM can help you manage your sales force. It can allow you to keep track of their activities, including the number of calls they make each day and their monthly revenue. You can also see how many leads they have sold, along with the number of commissions they have earned from those sales.

A CRM can help you manage your sales pipeline. You'll know what opportunities are currently in progress, which ones are ready for closing, and which ones still need some work before being closed out completely.

A CRM can help you manage your leads through lead nurturing so that they will be ready to go when it comes time to make a sale. This also allows you to keep track of where each prospect is in their journey towards becoming a paying customer so that when it comes time for another interaction (like a phone call), we know exactly where our following conversation needs to take place based on where this particular lead has been up until now within our system

A CRM helps you understand your customers better

If someone visits your site once, that's great. But if they see it multiple times and never buy anything… that's not so great. It means there might be something wrong with the product or service that you're offering them, and it also means that they are not interested in what you have to sell at this time.

A CRM will keep track of all these different types of customer behavior—how many times they visited, what products they viewed or purchased (or added to their cart but didn't purchase), etc. Having this data can help you determine where improvements need to be made on your site for customers to convert into sales more efficiently–and give insight as to why certain people aren't making purchases at all.

Automating tasks makes life easier for both you and your customers

The most obvious benefit is that the task can be completed in less time, but there are other advantages as well. For example, functions requiring interaction between departments or customers can be done at all hours of the day and on weekends when there's no one around to help.

Secondly, automated tasks typically require less human error than manual methods, which will undoubtedly be a relief to any employee who has had their hand forced into doing something by an overzealous boss.

Scheduling automated follow-up actions

I understand that no matter how good you are at following up with customers, some will always slip through the cracks or require more attention than others. That's why I made it easy for you to schedule automated follow-up tasks using our UI/UX. You can set up automated follow-up actions to ensure you don't forget to follow up with customers and set up other types of computerized activities so that you are following up in the right way at the right time (e.g., when they need it).

Customers are happier with the results of a CRM

Do you know those people who are always happy to see you? You know, the ones who always have something nice to say and are genuinely excited when they see you? They're not just being polite. They like your company and want to be around you as much as possible.

Here's how:

  • A CRM increases customer satisfaction levels. Customers want quality service from companies they do business with regularly. When businesses provide this service, their customers become happier and more loyal over time—which means increased sales down the road. These are the kinds of customers that every organization wants—and with a CRM system in place, it's easier for businesses to keep them returning for more (and more).
  • You can create more accurate reports on revenue and customer satisfaction using a CRM.
  • CRMs are great for tracking the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, sales team, and customer service staff.
  • Using a CRM will help you find out what customers like about you so that you can give them more of it (yay.).
  • You'll be able to identify which products are most popular among buyers, providing insight into what people want (versus what they say they want).

If you're not using a CRM system right now, it's a good idea to start

Why? Because CRM systems help you manage your customer relationships, understand your customers better and make it easier to create reports. They also can automate tasks and schedule follow-up actions.


So there you have it: the many benefits of using a CRM. It's not just about the money; it's also about offering your customers a better experience, keeping them happy, and coming back again and again. I think you should use a CRM today to help your business be more successful.

Tyrone Showers