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24 Nov 2022
  • Website Development

Exploring the Growth and Impact of Software as a Service

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


For a long time, Software as a Service (SaaS) was considered a joke. Early attempts at SaaS were clumsy and unreliable, but that's changed in recent years. Today's SaaS applications offer robust, cloud-based software for a monthly fee, which can be surprisingly affordable.

Software as a Service got off to a rocky start

Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions were one of the first significant business models to emerge from the Internet. It's now commonplace for businesses to use cloud-based CRM software, accounting systems, and even employee management tools.

But in the early days of SaaS, many customers were wary of subscription-based pricing because it was seen as more expensive than traditional perpetual license software. They also worried about being locked into something they couldn't understand or control.

And when times got tough financially, those early adopters often found themselves at the front of the line for cancellations or reduced funding.

SaaS is mainstream

SaaS has come a long way since its inception and is now mainstream. For years, many businesses have used on-premise software solutions to help them be more productive and efficient in their day-to-day operations. But as technology advances, these on-premise solutions become outdated. The cloud offered an alternative for businesses that wanted to avoid the hassle of maintaining their servers or buying expensive licenses from software vendors.

With the cloud making SaaS easier to implement, more companies have started using this flexible technology option over the last decade—and they're finding that it works just as well (and sometimes better) than traditional models of buying software licenses outright. No installing software on staff computers or company servers at headquarters or remote offices across the country/world/planet Earth!

For a monthly fee

As the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) market has grown in popularity, so have the features provided by these applications. Today's SaaS applications offer robust, cloud-based software for a monthly fee that can help businesses of all sizes save time, money, and resources.

businesses of all sizes

SaaS applications are available for businesses of all sizes and offer perks that traditional on-premise software can't. With SaaS, you pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to use the software as needed. No enormous upfront costs, no long-term contracts—just easy payments with no strings attached. That makes it ideal for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to afford more expensive solutions but still need access to technology that gives them an edge over competitors.

And because SaaS applications are hosted in a third party's data center rather than your own (think Dropbox or Google Docs), they're accessible from anywhere via any device (PCs, smartphones, tablets). This means employees can work remotely without wasting valuable time waiting for files to download or launching programs before getting down to business.

The future of SaaS

The future of SaaS is bright but requires more education from both customers and vendors. The world has changed since ERP systems were first introduced. Now that we live in an ever-connected world, customers expect their vendors to be transparent about everything from data security to data ownership. Customers need to understand what they are getting into when they sign up for a SaaS product. Vendors must also be honest about the limitations of their products and services; otherwise, customers could end up with false expectations that make them unhappy with their choice later down the road.

There must be more affordable options for small businesses looking for budget software solutions. While some vendors have taken notice by offering free trials or limited features for free accounts (called freemium models), this only covers certain types of software applications (such as CRM) out there today; other industries (like manufacturing) still rely heavily on expensive enterprise versions despite having smaller budgets at hand than larger operations do.

In recent years, Software as a Service has become extremely popular. It's easy to see why: easy access to powerful business software makes it possible for companies of all sizes to manage their operations without investing in expensive hardware or software. SaaS is also ideal for small businesses that need more resources or time to develop an IT department capable of supporting traditional on-site solutions.

As the popularity of cloud-based services continues to grow, we'll see even more improvements in this area over the next few years. This will ultimately lead to greater customer satisfaction and further expansion into new markets.


Today, it's an increasingly attractive option for businesses looking to cut costs and increase efficiency. There are still some security concerns regarding these applications. For example, how do you know if an online service provider will be around when your business needs them most? Both consumers and vendors must educate themselves on these issues before signing contracts or starting new projects that rely heavily on cloud-based technology.

Tyrone Showers