Published: 5 Dec 2022
  • Updated: 22 Jan 2024

Challenges of Multiple SOR Databases

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Multiple SoR Databases

As a seasoned data architect, I have witnessed numerous organizations grapple with the complexities of managing multiple System of Record (SOR) databases. While the idea of leveraging multiple SORs may seem enticing for scaling applications, it often brings along a host of unintended consequences. In this discourse, we delve into the reasons why having multiple SOR databases can be fraught with challenges and explore potential solutions to mitigate these issues, if not eliminate them altogether.

Understanding "System Of Record"

Before delving into the intricacies of multiple SOR databases, it is crucial to grasp the concept of a "System of Record" (SoR). A System of Record refers to a single, authoritative database that serves as the repository for an organization's most critical and immutable data. This database houses information that is sacrosanct, as it forms the bedrock of truth for the organization. Typically, SoRs are employed for the following purposes:

  • Internal Reporting and Auditing: SoRs serve as the cornerstone for generating internal reports and conducting rigorous audits.
  • Financial Reporting: Organizations rely on SoRs to compile and present financial data accurately.
  • Salesforce and CRM Integrations: SoRs often feed crucial data into Salesforce and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, ensuring uniformity and reliability.

The Pitfalls of Multiple SORs

While a single SoR database is a common practice, some organizations opt for multiple SORs, believing it to be a solution to their diverse operational needs. However, this decision comes with a set of inherent challenges.

In an ideal scenario, a team within an organization would use the same software to input data into a unified SoR database from various locations. Yet, when an organization spans multiple regions, countries, or continents, the data within its SoR may exhibit disparities due to regional cultural differences and language variations spoken by employees in different locations. Even when these systems are interconnected through network connections, inconsistencies may arise due to human errors in data entry. Employees may require assistance in understanding how to input accurate information while adhering to company regulations, including approval processes and audits.

Data Consistency in a Multitude of SORs

Data consistency stands as a paramount concern for businesses. Achieving data consistency across multiple SORs can be an arduous task. It necessitates the synchronization of data across various systems, which can be prone to errors if not executed flawlessly. Two primary methods employed for data replication are master-slave replication and peer-to-peer replication. Both methods require meticulous data synchronization, which, if mishandled, can lead to discrepancies. Peer-to-peer replication introduces an additional layer of complexity, demanding precise coordination of timestamps to ensure their accuracy concerning one another.

The Critical Importance of Data Integrity

Data integrity is the linchpin of maintaining the authenticity and reliability of data within multiple databases. It involves preserving the structural and logical consistency of data over time, safeguarding it from corruption. Data integrity encompasses ensuring that records remain valid (i.e., they are not inadvertently deleted) and consistent (i.e., all fields contain accurate values). A system lacking data integrity is susceptible to incomplete, erroneous, inconsistent, and misleading data, which can lead to manifold problems.

Data integrity is upheld through the use of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions on each record within a database. These transactions ensure that every update or delete request against a record adheres to atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability principles, preserving data reliability.

Challenges in Approvals and Audits

An essential facet to consider is the audit process. Audits play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. However, audits can only be effectively conducted on a single database. In the context of multiple SORs, each database necessitates separate audits. This translates into the requirement for additional certified personnel to conduct these audits and an increase in the time and financial resources allocated to the process.

Should an audit reveal discrepancies or errors, the organization must initiate the auditing process anew for each database, a time-consuming endeavor. The duration of this endeavor can span months or even years, contingent on the timeline of audit report completions by internal teams or external auditors/consultants.

Exploring Alternatives: The Mono-repo/Graph Database

For organizations contemplating the utilization of multiple SORs, a viable alternative warrants consideration—the adoption of a Mono-repo/Graph database. This transformative approach entails consolidating all data into a single source of truth, streamlining data accessibility, and circumventing the need for synchronization efforts that consume valuable resources during development cycles.

A Mono-repo/Graph database offers several advantages:

  • Single Source of Truth: It establishes a solitary repository for all data, simplifying data access for the organization and expediting data retrieval.
  • Enhanced Security: The singular nature of the database enhances security. In the event of system failure, all data remains secure, as there is no dispersal across multiple systems.

Conclusion: The Imperative of Rethinking Multiple SOR Databases

The proliferation of multiple System of Record (SOR) databases introduces a plethora of challenges that warrant careful consideration. While the allure of diversification may seem appealing, the complexities, maintenance overhead, scalability limitations, security vulnerabilities, and the need for continuous synchronization make managing multiple SORs a suboptimal choice.

The Mono-repo/Graph database emerges as a compelling alternative, offering a unified, secure, and scalable solution for organizations seeking efficient data management. To navigate the pitfalls of multiple SOR databases, it is imperative for organizations to rethink their data architecture and explore the benefits of consolidating their data into a single, reliable source of truth. In doing so, they can streamline operations, enhance data integrity, and fortify their position in an increasingly data-driven world.

Tyrone Showers