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31 Aug 2024
  • Website Development

Leads slipping through the cracks? TODD keeps things moving

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Stop Letting Leads Slip Through the Cracks with TODD

Every business has that one issue—leads slip through the cracks. You know the ones: people who show interest at first, but the follow-up doesn't happen, and before you know it, they've moved on. You're left wondering what went wrong.

It's not for lack of effort. You're trying. But with all the tasks, projects, and emails coming your way, it's easy for leads to fall off your radar. And in business, lost leads mean lost opportunities.

That's where TODD steps in. TODD isn't just a tool to store leads. It's a system designed to make sure those leads don't get forgotten. It doesn't wait for you to manually track everything—it keeps the momentum going, even when you're swamped.

TODD Keeps an Eye on Your Leads

Tracking every potential client or customer is tough. Emails, meetings, and everything else demand your attention. But leads need to be followed up with at the right time. Too soon, and it feels pushy. Too late, and you've missed your chance.

That's what TODD handles for you. If someone hasn't heard from you in a while, TODD knows. It reminds you to check in, follow up, or send a quick note to stay on their radar. You won't have to wonder if you've missed anyone—TODD will make sure you haven't.

More Than Just Reminders

TODD isn't just about reminders. It goes a step further by analyzing your leads. It looks at how long it's been since you last reached out, the kind of interaction you had, and what makes sense as a next step. You don't need to figure out when or how to follow up—TODD gives smart suggestions based on your data.

For instance, if a lead opened your last email but didn't respond, TODD knows. It suggests a follow-up email, maybe with a more targeted message or a different approach. If a lead has gone quiet for too long, TODD nudges you to reach out before it's too late.

TODD Keeps Things Moving

One of the hardest parts of managing leads is keeping the momentum going. You have a great first conversation, but then things slow down. Maybe you're waiting for them to get back to you, or maybe you just got too busy to follow up. Either way, the lead starts to drift, and before long, they've moved on to someone else.

TODD doesn't let that happen. It works behind the scenes to keep leads moving forward. If a prospect hasn't responded to your last outreach, TODD suggests the next step. If a deal is stuck in the pipeline, TODD helps you figure out how to push it forward.

Always Prioritizing

Not all leads are the same. Some are ready to buy, while others are still in the “just looking” phase. The problem is, it's hard to know who's who without spending time tracking and analyzing every interaction.

TODD solves this. It knows how to prioritize your leads. Based on the data—whether it's how often someone opens your emails, clicks on links, or visits your site—TODD highlights the leads most likely to convert. No need to guess who to focus on—TODD tells you.

And TODD doesn't just do this once. It constantly updates its priorities based on what's happening with your leads. It's not just about who's hot right now but who's showing consistent interest over time. This way, you're always focused on the leads that matter most, when they matter most.

Keeping You on Track

Running a business can feel like juggling a million things at once. Between managing current clients, working on projects, and growing your customer base, it's no surprise that leads can get lost in the mix.

TODD keeps you on track by organizing everything in one place. No more digging through old emails or trying to remember when you last spoke with a prospect. TODD keeps a clear timeline of every interaction, so you always know where things stand.

And it's not just about keeping records. TODD monitors your progress and gives you a heads-up when it's time to take action. Whether it's sending a follow-up email, scheduling a call, or moving a deal forward, TODD keeps you moving without the need for constant oversight.

The Bottom Line

Leads slipping through the cracks is a problem every business deals with. It's frustrating, costly, and feels impossible to fix. But with TODD, it doesn't have to be that way.

TODD tracks your leads, reminds you to follow up, and gives you smart suggestions for what to do next. It's more than a reminder system—it actively helps you manage leads and grow your business.

So, the next time you're wondering if a lead has gone cold, remember: TODD is already on it. You won't have to worry about lost opportunities again.

Tyrone Showers