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1 Sep 2024
  • Data Management

Stop Entering Data for Nothing - TODD Puts It to Work

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

TODD Works While You Sleep

Most software does one thing: it takes the information you give it and spits it back out, just dressed up in nice boxes and charts. You've seen it before. You enter your data, and it feels like you're constantly feeding the machine. But at the end of the day, nothing's really changed. It's all there, just staring back at you, waiting for you to do something with it.

That's not how TODD works. TODD isn't here to just sit and wait for you to take action. TODD works for you, even when you're not working. It's more than just a tool that organizes your data—it's a system that thinks about your business, your contacts, and your tasks, all while you sleep.

What does that mean?

It means that when you log off for the night, TODD doesn't shut down. Instead, it's still busy behind the scenes. It's scanning your contacts, analyzing your tasks, and looking for ways to make your life easier. When you wake up, TODD has already done the heavy lifting.

But let's be clear—TODD isn't magic. It doesn't wave a wand and make everything perfect. What it does is work with the information you've already given it, and make smart decisions on your behalf. It takes your data and turns it into insights, so you don't have to figure out every little detail yourself.

It's not just about showing you data

Most systems just show you what you put in. You enter a contact's name and email, and the system stores it. You enter a task, and the system keeps track of when it's due. Simple, but ultimately, that's just giving back the same information you already had.

TODD does more than that. Sure, it stores your contacts, tracks your tasks, and organizes your campaigns. But the difference is what it does with all that information. TODD is designed to work beyond the basics. It connects the dots, making sure you get more out of your data than you put in.

For example, if you've got a list of contacts, TODD isn't just going to store them in neat little boxes. It's going to analyze those contacts, figure out which ones you should follow up with, and prioritize them for you. When you log back in, TODD will have a list ready for you, showing you who's most likely to respond to your outreach.

TODD thinks ahead

While you're focusing on the task in front of you, TODD is already thinking ahead. Maybe you've been emailing a client back and forth, but haven't set up a follow-up. TODD knows this and will remind you when it's time to check in again. You won't have to worry about losing track of a potential lead or missing an important deadline—TODD has already got it covered.

And it's not just reminders. TODD will suggest the next logical step based on the patterns it sees in your business. Did you just close a deal? TODD will suggest what to do next—whether it's onboarding the client, setting up the next meeting, or sending out a thank you note.

How does TODD know what to do?

The simple answer is that TODD is constantly learning from your actions. It watches how you manage your contacts, how you run your campaigns, and how you move through your tasks. TODD picks up on these patterns, and it helps you by making suggestions that fit with how you work.

This is where TODD goes beyond just being a tool. Most systems require you to constantly tell them what to do next. TODD takes a more proactive approach. It figures out what makes sense for your business and offers solutions without needing to be asked.

TODD makes your data smart

Instead of just holding onto your data, TODD makes it smarter. If you've got gaps in your contact information, TODD can fill them in. If you've been working on a project but haven't made progress in a while, TODD will remind you to get back on track. It's not just about showing you what you already know—it's about making sure you get the most out of every piece of data you have.

Think of TODD as an extra set of hands. It's there to catch the things you might miss, and to handle the details so you don't have to. Whether it's sending a reminder, following up with a contact, or analyzing the success of your latest email campaign, TODD is always one step ahead.

Why does this matter?

Let's face it—everyone is busy. You've got too many things on your plate and not enough hours in the day. The last thing you need is a system that just sits there, waiting for you to tell it what to do. TODD saves you time by doing the work for you, even when you're not around.

It's the kind of help that lets you focus on the bigger picture. Instead of spending hours sorting through contacts, managing tasks, or setting reminders, TODD handles all of that for you. You wake up, log in, and see a clear list of what's most important. No guesswork, no endless to-do lists—just actionable insights that help you keep moving forward.

The bottom line

If you're looking for software that just stores data, there are plenty of options out there. But if you want something that works with you, something that actually makes your business easier to run, TODD is the answer.

TODD works while you sleep. It organizes your contacts, manages your tasks, and prioritizes what's most important for you—all without constant input. You don't have to tell it what to do next because it already knows.

Instead of seeing your data just displayed back to you in little boxes, TODD gives you insights, makes suggestions, and handles the details, so you can focus on what really matters.

So, while you're sleeping, TODD's working. And when you wake up, everything you need is right there, ready for you to take action. That's how business should be.

Tyrone Showers