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24 Aug 2024
  • Website Development

Who should you reach out to? TODD knows.

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Reaching out to the right people at the right time is tricky. You've got a long list of contacts, leads from different places, and a bunch of people who seemed interested at one point but have since gone quiet. The question is: who do you focus on?

If you spend all your time guessing, you'll end up wasting time and missing out on real opportunities. You could go through your entire contact list, one by one, or you could let TODD do the hard work for you.

TODD knows who you should reach out to, and it doesn't need you to spend hours digging through your emails or spreadsheets to figure it out. While you're busy with everything else, TODD is constantly analyzing your contacts, sorting out who's worth your time and attention, and giving you a clear picture of where to focus next.

Why this matters

In business, timing is everything. Reach out too early, and the person might not be ready. Reach out too late, and they've already moved on to someone else. The tricky part is figuring out where each of your contacts falls in this window.

That's where TODD comes in. It knows which contacts are showing signs of interest, and it tracks who's engaged with you recently. Maybe someone opened your email but didn't respond, or clicked on a link you sent but didn't follow through. TODD keeps track of all these little signals that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle.

Instead of relying on your memory or sifting through old conversations, TODD highlights the people who are most likely to respond. You'll know who's worth your time, and more importantly, you'll know when to reach out.

It's not about more contacts—it's about the right ones

Having a big list of contacts might seem like a good thing, but in reality, more isn't always better. What matters is how you manage those contacts and how you decide who to focus on.

Let's say you've got 500 contacts. Some of them haven't responded in months, some are current clients, and some are new leads who've shown mild interest. Instead of treating them all the same, TODD ranks them based on how engaged they are with you.

This way, you don't waste time on people who aren't interested. TODD brings the most engaged contacts to the top of the list, so you can focus your efforts where they'll make the biggest impact. It's not about working harder—it's about working smarter.

How does TODD do this?

It's pretty simple. TODD looks at patterns. It watches for behaviors that indicate interest, like email opens, link clicks, and responses to previous outreach. TODD also tracks how often and how recently you've been in contact with someone.

If a contact is regularly engaging with your emails, TODD will flag them as someone to follow up with. If someone hasn't been in touch for a while but recently clicked on something you sent, TODD will remind you that it might be a good time to reach out again.

And it doesn't stop there. TODD also tracks your interactions with each contact over time. If a lead has been warming up, TODD knows. If a deal has gone cold, TODD will alert you so you can decide whether to give it another push or move on.

Making your outreach more effective

Knowing who to reach out to is only part of the equation. Knowing what to say and when to say it is just as important. TODD helps with that too.

Based on what it sees in your data, TODD can suggest when it's the right time to follow up and how to approach the conversation. For example, if a lead has been slow to respond but recently opened one of your emails, TODD might suggest a light check-in to see if they're still interested. If a contact has shown consistent engagement, it might be time to make a more direct ask.

TODD doesn't just tell you to follow up—it gives you context. You'll know why a lead is worth reaching out to, what their recent activity has been, and what kind of approach might work best. It's about making your outreach more effective, so you don't just get through your list—you get results.

No more guesswork

The biggest benefit of TODD is that it takes the guesswork out of managing your contacts. Instead of trying to keep track of everything yourself, TODD does it for you.

It's easy to lose track of contacts when you've got so much else going on. But with TODD, you don't have to worry about missing opportunities. It's constantly working in the background, keeping track of who's engaged, who's worth reaching out to, and when the best time is to make your move.

It's like having a personal assistant who knows your contact list inside and out, always ready to point you in the right direction. TODD makes sure you never miss a beat.

The bottom line

Knowing who to reach out to is one of the hardest parts of managing your business. There are so many factors to consider, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. That's why TODD is such a valuable tool. It knows who's ready for the next conversation, who's fallen off the radar, and who's still worth pursuing.

TODD does more than just store your contacts. It helps you manage them in a way that's effective and efficient. No more guessing. No more wasted time. Just smart, focused outreach that keeps your business moving forward.

So, the next time you're wondering who to reach out to, just remember—TODD already knows.

Tyrone Showers