Web Real-Time Communication
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6 Sep 2023
  • Website Development

WebRTC in E-Commerce: Enhancing Customer Retention

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


The e-commerce sector is characterized by an increasingly competitive environment where customer retention is vital for sustainable business growth. One technology that has been demonstrated to improve customer retention by up to 30% is Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). This article will provide an analysis of WebRTC's utility in delivering real-time customer support and its impact on retention rates.

The Evolving Landscape of E-Commerce Customer Support

Traditional customer support channels in e-commerce have included email, FAQs, and phone support. However, these methods often fail to provide the immediate and interactive assistance that consumers now expect. WebRTC addresses these limitations by enabling real-time, browser-based communication.

Technical Overview of WebRTC

WebRTC is a protocol for peer-to-peer communication that supports real-time audio, video, and data transfer. Due to its low latency and broad compatibility with HTML5 and various browsers, WebRTC is increasingly being considered for customer support applications.

Impact on Customer Support and Retention

Immediate Problem Resolution

Real-time support accelerates the resolution of customer issues, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and encouraging return visits to the e-commerce platform.

Customization of Support

Features such as video calls and co-browsing can enable a tailored shopping experience. This not only assists customers in making purchasing decisions but also fosters brand loyalty.

Data Utilization

WebRTC allows for the real-time exchange of relevant data between customer and support representative. This information can inform more effective, targeted customer service.


Given the built-in encryption protocols in WebRTC, customers can trust that their data is being handled securely, a factor that can contribute to long-term loyalty.

Best Practices for WebRTC Implementation

  • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough evaluation to determine where real-time communication will offer the most value.
  • Platform Integration: Ensure that the e-commerce platform’s existing infrastructure can support WebRTC technologies.
  • User Interface Design: The user interface should be designed with the customer’s ease of use in mind to encourage utilization of the new features.
  • Quality Control: A pilot phase with real users can identify any technical issues that need to be addressed prior to full implementation.
  • Staff Training: Proper training for customer support representatives is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of the WebRTC solution.


WebRTC offers a viable avenue for e-commerce platforms aiming to improve customer retention rates. By delivering real-time, personalized, and secure customer support, this technology has the potential to increase retention rates significantly. Organizations should consider its implementation as part of a comprehensive customer engagement strategy.

Tyrone Showers