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14 Nov 2022
  • Website Development

AI vs. Machine Learning: Understanding the Key Differences

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


If you are perusing this article, you possess a fundamental comprehension of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. However, there exists some ambiguity surrounding these two terms. Hence, let us elucidate the matter.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, a discipline within computer science, endeavors to engender computers capable of executing tasks typically necessitating human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, a field of computer science, strives to create computers proficient in performing tasks ordinarily requiring human intelligence.

AI has found diverse applications, encompassing voice recognition, computer vision, and robotics. Notably, AI has facilitated the development of self-driving cars and automated trading algorithms.

Machine learning

Machine learning, an expeditiously burgeoning tool in artificial intelligence, constitutes an application of AI that employs algorithms to endow computers with the capacity to learn and adapt autonomously.

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, encompasses computer applications that undertake tasks akin to those accomplished by human beings, including perception, reasoning, problem-solving, and planning. Machine learning has been effectively implemented in various domains, such as autonomous vehicles and speech recognition software.

AI is an extensive term encompassing a myriad of applications, including machine vision (employing cameras and computational prowess), natural language processing (utilizing voice commands), and gaming strategies/chess moves (which can be preprogrammed but also acquired from previous games), among others.

Thus, while machine learning presently represents one type of AI application—and will likely continue to do so in the future—it does not exclusively define the concept of "artificial intelligence." Consequently, if someone inquires about machine learning while displaying limited interest in its association with other forms of AI, there is no cause for concern.

artificial intelligence and machine learning

The terms "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning" are occasionally used interchangeably, albeit they possess distinct nuances. Artificial intelligence encompasses any program or computer-based technique endeavoring to emulate human cognitive processes, such as perception, speech recognition, or decision-making.

AI is an expansive subject that extends beyond computers. It encompasses machines that can cogitate and learn akin to humans. Machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, empowers computers to learn from data without explicit human programming. ML represents a specialized area within computer science, incorporating algorithms and statistical techniques that model high-level abstractions in data.

Machine learning constitutes a subdivision of artificial intelligence employing algorithms to enable software and systems to make predictions based on data. While machine learning forms part of artificial intelligence, a machine learning program may not necessarily be regarded as an artificial intelligence program. Consider a simple example: a spam detection filter. It learns to filter out similar emails in the future by ascertaining your perception of spam, thereby necessitating data collection and analysis of your actions and received messages. This system employs machine learning, which empowers your email client to identify spam without explicit programming. Nonetheless, it does not manifest any genuine intelligence; it merely adheres to rules that were imparted.


This article endeavors to provide you with a more profound comprehension of the distinctions between Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Although the terms "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning" are often used interchangeably, they are not identical. AI refers to any program or computer-based technique striving to mimic human mental processes, such as perception, speech recognition, or decision-making. Machine learning constitutes one of the rapidly advancing tools in artificial intelligence—an application employing algorithms to endow computers with autonomous learning and adaptive capabilities.

Tyrone Showers