28 Jun 2023
  • Website Development

Angular's SharedModule: Benefits and Considerations

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


In Angular, the SharedModule plays a crucial role in reducing repetition and improving code organization. By re-exporting commonly used modules, components, and directives, it allows developers to streamline their projects and enhance maintainability. In this post, we will delve into the benefits of using the SharedModule in Angular, while also considering its potential advantages and disadvantages.

Reducing Repetition with SharedModule

The SharedModule in Angular acts as a centralized repository for commonly used modules, components, and directives. By importing and re-exporting these shared artifacts, developers can avoid duplicating code across multiple feature modules. This approach significantly reduces repetition, ensuring that the same functionality is easily accessible and consistently applied throughout the application.

Advantages of the SharedModule

Code Organization

SharedModule promotes a modular and organized codebase. By separating shared components and services from feature-specific modules, developers can maintain a clear structure and easily identify reusable elements.

Improved Maintainability

With SharedModule, updating shared components or services becomes more efficient. A single change in the SharedModule automatically reflects in all modules that import it, reducing the need for tedious modifications across various feature modules.

Encapsulation and Reusability

SharedModule encapsulates commonly used functionality, making it reusable across different feature modules. This enhances code reuse, saves development time, and promotes consistency in UI components, directives, and services throughout the application.

Performance Benefits

By importing SharedModule in the root module (e.g., AppModule), the shared artifacts are only loaded once during application initialization. This reduces the overall bundle size and improves application performance.

Disadvantages and Considerations

Increased Coupling

Sharing modules and components through SharedModule can introduce tight coupling between modules. If a shared component or module undergoes a breaking change, it may impact multiple feature modules, requiring careful coordination and testing.

Lack of Fine-grained Control

SharedModule may lead to a loss of fine-grained control over the dependencies of individual feature modules. Developers need to carefully consider the potential impact of importing and re-exporting modules, as it can introduce unintended dependencies and bloat the bundle size.

Potential Namespace Conflicts

When multiple feature modules import the SharedModule, there is a possibility of naming conflicts if two or more modules define components or services with the same name. Proper naming conventions and thoughtful design considerations can mitigate this issue.

Development Flexibility

In certain cases, SharedModule might not suit the needs of every feature module. Some modules may require their own specific dependencies or unique configurations, making the SharedModule less suitable for those scenarios. Careful consideration of module design and flexibility is essential.


The Angular SharedModule is a powerful tool for reducing repetition, enhancing code organization, and promoting code reuse. Its ability to streamline the development process, improve maintainability, and provide a consistent UI experience throughout the application are significant advantages. However, it is important to weigh the potential disadvantages, such as increased coupling and potential conflicts, against the benefits. By carefully evaluating the requirements of each feature module and considering the trade-offs, developers can effectively leverage the SharedModule to build scalable and maintainable Angular applications.

Tyrone Showers