6 Mar 2023
  • Website Development

Starting an Angular Development Project: 5 Essential Steps

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


Angular is a popular framework for building complex web applications, and it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure your project is successful. Starting an Angular development project can be an exciting and challenging experience. In this blog post, I will discuss creating a strategy for beginning an Angular development project.

Define the project's goals and objectives

The first step in creating a strategy for your Angular development project is to define your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with your project, and what is its purpose? Consider the target audience, project scope, and specific requirements or constraints. It's essential to clearly understand your project's goals before moving on to the next steps.

Choose the right tools and technologies

Once you have defined your project's goals and objectives, the next step is to choose the right tools and technologies. Angular is a comprehensive framework that comes with many built-in features and libraries. However, there are many additional tools and technologies that you may need to use, such as:

  • Node.js: Angular requires Node.js to run, so ensure you have the latest version installed.
  • Angular CLI: The Angular Command Line Interface is a powerful tool simplifying many common development tasks.
  • IDE: Choose an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports Angular development, such as Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, or Atom.

Define your project's architecture

The next step is to define your project's architecture. This involves planning how to organize your code, files, and folders. A well-designed architecture ensures your code is modular, scalable, and maintainable. There are several popular architectural patterns that you can use, such as:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC): This pattern separates your application's code into three parts: the model, which represents the data; the view, which means the user interface; and the controller, which manages the interaction between the model and the view.
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM): This pattern is similar to MVC, but it adds a ViewModel layer that acts as an intermediary between the view and the model.
  • Flux: This pattern is commonly used with React but can also be used with Angular. Flux is a unidirectional data flow pattern that clearly separates data and presentation logic.

Plan your development workflow

Once you have defined your project's architecture, the next step is to plan your development workflow. This involves determining how you will manage your source code, how you will test your code, and how you will deploy your application. Some important considerations include:

  • Version control: Use a version control system (VCS) like Git to manage your source code.
  • Code review: Establish a process for reviewing code changes before they are merged into your main codebase.
  • Testing: Develop a testing strategy including unit, integration, and end-to-end tests.
  • Continuous integration and deployment: Implement a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the testing and deployment of your application.

Create a project plan and schedule

The final step is to create a project plan and schedule. This should include a timeline for each phase of your project, from planning and design to development and testing. Make sure to allocate enough time for each task, and consider any potential risks or roadblocks that may arise. Setting milestones and checkpoints to ensure your project stays on track is also a good idea.


Starting an Angular development project requires careful planning and preparation. Following these five steps, you can create a solid strategy to help you achieve your project's goals and objectives. Remember to define your project's goals and objectives, choose the right tools and technologies and define your project.

Tyrone Showers