26 Dec 2022
  • Website Development

Exploring Microservices Architecture in Software Development

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


If you've been working with software for the past few years, you've heard about microservices architecture. It's a popular approach to building applications that can help engineers and product teams decompose monolithic codebases into smaller, more manageable chunks. I'll explain what microservices architecture is, why it matters, and some key benefits and challenges of using it. By the end of this article, you'll know whether your team should consider moving toward microservices.

Why Microservice Architecture Matters

Microservice architecture is a software development practice that involves building an application as a suite of small, independent services. Each service can be operated and scaled independently, which makes the system more flexible, efficient, and resilient. Microservices are composed of three core elements:

  • Services - These are individual units that provide one single function or capability. For example, you might have separate services for managing user accounts or managing payments.
  • Communication protocols - Communication protocols define how client applications will interact as they invoke various operations on your service layer to consume its functionality (e.g., HTTP/REST.)
  • Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) - A DSL is used to express the business logic associated with each service in your architecture; this allows you to use shared libraries across different projects and team members without having to worry about getting everyone up to speed on every tiny detail about what each component does within these libraries before they can start working together effectively.

The Drawbacks of Monolithic Architecture

Microservices architecture has many advantages over traditional monolithic architecture.

  • Monolithic architectures are not scalable
  • Monolithic architectures are not flexible
  • Monolithic architectures are hard to maintain
  • Monolithic architectures are difficult to test
  • Monolithic architectures are difficult to deploy
  • Monolithic architectures are difficult to replace

What Is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices are modular and loosely coupled: each microservice implements a single business capability, has a single responsibility, and can be built in any programming language.

Each microservice has its database instance or uses shared database instances via database as a service (DBaaS). Applications built with microservices use REST or APIs to communicate with one another; this enables the composition of new applications without modifying existing ones or rebuilding entire systems.

Benefits of Microservices

So why should you go the microservices route?

  • Scalability: As you build your application, it's easy to make small changes and push them across all teams.
  • Flexibility: You can scale up or down at any time without changing too much code. This makes it easier for the developers because they don't have to worry about ensuring that everything stays compatible when they make changes.
  • Reusability: If a feature is built correctly, it can indeed be reused in some form or fashion somewhere else in the application (or another application). This would help reduce development time and cost since it would only require minor changes here and there instead of building everything from scratch every time something needs to be done differently.
  • Testability: By using smaller components that are more modularized into their pieces, they can run independently if required. Meaning easier testing because now there isn't just one large chunk of code but rather many small chunks, which makes finding bugs much faster/easier since each component could be tested individually instead of having all these dependencies which might not necessarily work together properly until later on down the line when integration testing starts occurring rather of just unit tests like we do now.

Challenges of Using Microservices

  • Microservices take more work to manage.
  • Microservices take more work to scale.
  • Microservices are more challenging to test.

Microservices can be harder to maintain and debug because of the increased complexity of having many small services instead of one or two larger ones.

Microservice architecture is an effective tool for breaking down large, monolithic applications

Compared to monolithic architectures, microservices can help you scale your software more effectively and improve the flexibility with which it can be used.

Let's say you work on an extensive web application that handles all of its processing in a single thread of execution (i.e., it runs as a single process). Things will start getting sluggish pretty quickly—and even worse than that if there's an error.


Microservice architecture is a powerful for improving your software architecture. It allows you to focus on a tiny piece of functionality at a time and keep everything else working smoothly by isolating it from the rest of the system. Microservices also allow you to scale up or down depending on your needs, making them ideal for modern applications where data volumes can be unpredictable. However, there are some downsides as well, such as increased complexity due to multiple dependencies between services, which means they must always be deployed together in order not to break anything else.

Tyrone Showers