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13 Sep 2024
  • Website Development

Missing info? TODD fills in the gaps.

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Fixing Incomplete Data with TODD: A Smarter Way to Work

You've got a lot on your plate—running a business, managing relationships, keeping up with the daily grind. But one problem keeps coming back: incomplete data. Missing contact info, unclear details, vague insights. All of it slows you down.

Every time you look at your contact list, there it is—an email with no name, a phone number with no company, or just a name with no context. These gaps hurt your ability to connect, reach out, and ultimately grow your business. That's where TODD comes in.

Why Gaps Matter

When you're running a campaign or trying to reach potential clients, incomplete data is like trying to drive with a fogged-up windshield. You might guess where the road is, but it's risky, slow, and inefficient. Imagine if you had a clear view.

Missing data doesn't just hurt your next email or call—it adds friction to every interaction. Not knowing someone's name or where they work chips away at your momentum. These small details matter, and they add up fast.

TODD Fills the Gaps

TODD is like the friend who always has the right info when you need it. It's not about changing how you work—it's about making sure the data you have works for you.

Here's how TODD works: it scans your contacts and finds what's missing. No area code on that phone number? TODD will find it. Got an email but no company info? TODD tracks it down. While you're focused on running your business, TODD is quietly filling in the blanks.

And it doesn't stop there. TODD doesn't just fill in the gaps; it enriches the data. Instead of just a name and email, now you've got job titles, companies, locations, and even a history of their interactions with your business. All the info you need to make smarter, more personal connections.

What Enriched Data Means for You

Let's break it down. With enriched data, you've got context. Knowing someone's company and role lets you tailor your message. It's not just another email—it's a conversation that matters.

If you know someone's a decision-maker at a tech startup, you'll approach them differently than you would a junior employee at a big corporation. That insight can be the difference between a response and silence.

This is where TODD shines. It's not about flashy features. It's about giving you the info you need to make informed decisions. Every gap TODD fills means less guesswork for you.

How TODD Makes This Simple

You don't have time to spend hours cleaning up data—and you shouldn't have to. TODD automates the entire process, taking the heavy lifting off your plate. It enriches your data so you can focus on what really matters: building relationships, closing deals, and growing your business.

No complicated setup. No learning curve. TODD works with the data you already have and enhances it automatically. All you have to do is review the enriched contacts and put that data to work.

Think about it—no more chasing down missing details, no more wasted time trying to figure out who someone is. With TODD, every contact becomes a complete, actionable profile.

Why This Matters for Your Business

At the end of the day, relationships drive business. Whether you're following up with leads, nurturing existing clients, or closing deals, the more you know, the better your chances of success. Incomplete data holds you back, and TODD helps close those gaps.

It's not about having more data—it's about having the right data. Complete, enriched, and ready to use. That's what sets TODD apart. It works quietly in the background, taking care of the details so you don't have to.

By the time you're ready to reach out, TODD has already done the legwork, giving you everything you need to make meaningful connections. It's not about reinventing the wheel—it's about making sure the wheel runs smoothly.

The Big Takeaway

If incomplete data has been slowing you down, it doesn't have to anymore. TODD fills in the gaps, enriches your contacts, and makes sure you're never working with half the picture.

You don't need to change how you work. You just need the right tool to make the work easier. TODD is that tool—quietly and efficiently filling in the blanks, so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Next time you look at your contacts, ask yourself: Is my data complete? If not, it's time to let TODD handle the rest.

Tyrone Showers