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29 May 2024
  • Website Development

Streamline Your Deal Flow with TODD

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Managing Deal Flow Efficiently with TODD


Deal flow management is crucial for the success of any business. It involves tracking potential deals, managing their progress, and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. At Taliferro Tech, we faced significant challenges in managing our deal flow, which led to the development of TODD. This article explores how TODD's deal flow management features can help your business stay organized and close more deals.

The Struggle

As a small business, managing deal flow was a constant struggle. I remember several instances where promising deals slipped through the cracks simply because we lacked a structured system to track and follow up on them. We often found ourselves overwhelmed by the volume of deals and the complexity of keeping track of their status. This inefficiency not only cost us potential revenue but also hindered our growth. These experiences highlighted the urgent need for an effective deal flow management solution.

The Solution

Recognizing the importance of structured deal flow management, we integrated robust deal tracking features into TODD. TODD allows you to monitor the progress of each deal, set reminders for follow-ups, and keep all relevant information in one place. This centralized approach ensures that every deal is given the attention it deserves, reducing the risk of missed opportunities and improving overall efficiency.

Impact on Business

Since implementing TODD's deal flow management features, we've seen a significant improvement in our ability to close deals. For example, we closed a major contract last year that we might have lost without TODD's reminders and tracking capabilities. Our deal closure rate has increased by 30%, and our overall revenue has seen a substantial boost. These real-world successes demonstrate the tangible benefits of using TODD for deal flow management.


Efficient deal flow management is vital for business growth and success. By using TODD, you can streamline your deal tracking process, ensure timely follow-ups, and maximize your chances of closing deals. Embrace TODD's deal flow management features and take control of your business growth.


What is deal flow management?

Deal flow management involves tracking and managing potential business deals from the initial contact through to closure, ensuring that each opportunity is properly handled and followed up on.

How does TODD help with deal flow management?

TODD provides tools to track the progress of each deal, set reminders for follow-ups, and centralize all relevant information. This helps ensure that no deal is overlooked and improves your chances of closing more deals.

Why is effective deal flow management important?

Effective deal flow management is crucial for maximizing business opportunities, increasing revenue, and ensuring that potential deals are not lost due to oversight or poor organization.

Can TODD be used by businesses of all sizes?

Yes, TODD is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

What other features does TODD offer?

In addition to deal flow management, TODD offers email integration, NLP for querying data, intelligent follow-up suggestions, and more. It's a comprehensive tool designed to improve various aspects of contact management and sales strategies.

How can I start using TODD's deal flow management features?

Getting started with TODD is easy. Simply input your deals and set up your tracking preferences. TODD will help you manage and follow up on your deals efficiently.

Tyrone Showers