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14 Jul 2024
  • Website Development

TODD Explained

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Success in business isn't just about working hard—it's about working smart.

Introducing TODD, your intelligent assistant that transforms the way you work.

With TODD, manage your contacts effortlessly, stay on top of your tasks, and streamline your emails—all in one powerful tool.

TODD does more than just organize. It identifies new opportunities, giving you the edge to stay ahead of the competition.

The main purpose of TODD is to help your business grow by working in the background, constantly looking for opportunities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, examining your data for things you might have missed.

What is TODD?

TODD is your smart assistant that helps you manage your tasks, boost your sales, and understand your data, making your work easier and more effective. Imagine having a personal assistant who keeps track of everything you need to do, helps you find and reach more customers, and ensures that all the information you have is spot-on. That’s what TODD does for you!

TODD is a smart contact management system designed to make managing your business relationships easier. Think of it as a digital assistant that helps you keep track of all your contacts, tasks, and email communications in one place.

How Does TODD Help You?

  • Organize Contacts: Imagine having all your business cards, phone numbers, and email addresses neatly organized in one digital address book. TODD does this for you, but it’s even better because it can store a lot more information, like notes about your meetings and reminders for follow-ups.
  • Manage Tasks: TODD is like a supercharged to-do list. It helps you keep track of all the tasks you need to do, assigns deadlines, and reminds you when things are due. This way, you never miss an important task.
  • Streamline Emails: If your inbox is overflowing, TODD helps you organize your emails by linking them to the right contacts and projects. This makes it easier to find important messages and respond quickly.
  • Find Opportunities: TODD can analyze your contacts and emails to find new business opportunities. It’s like having a smart advisor who points out potential clients or partnerships you might have missed.

Why is TODD Different?

  • Easy to Use: You don’t need to be a tech expert to use TODD. It’s designed to be user-friendly, so you can start organizing your business right away.
  • Saves Time: By automating many of your daily tasks and keeping everything organized, TODD saves you a lot of time. You can spend more time focusing on your business rather than managing paperwork and emails.
  • Increases Efficiency: With everything in one place, you can work more efficiently. You know where to find information quickly, and you can manage your tasks without the usual chaos.

Real-World Example

Imagine you run a small business and meet lots of people at networking events. Keeping track of everyone can be a nightmare. With TODD, you can quickly add new contacts, write notes about where you met them, and set reminders to follow up. You can also link emails from these contacts to their profiles, so you have all your communication history at your fingertips. This way, when you need to follow up on a lead or schedule a meeting, everything you need is in one place.

By focusing on these key points, you can help a layman understand how TODD can simplify their business life, making it more organized and efficient.

Tyrone Showers