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10 Jul 2024
  • Website Development

TODD: Step by Step

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

A step-by-step walkthrough of how to use TODD and the benefits it provides, tailored for someone who might not be familiar with advanced tech tools.

Step 1: Getting Started with TODD

Sign Up and Set Up

  • Sign Up: First, you'll need to sign up for TODD. This usually involves entering your basic information and creating an account.
  • Set Up: Once you're signed in, TODD will guide you through a simple setup process. You'll input your business details and start by importing your existing contacts.

Benefit: This initial setup ensures all your data is centralized, making future management much easier.

Step 2: Adding and Organizing Contacts

Add Contacts

  • Manually Add: You can add contacts manually by entering their details like name, phone number, email, and notes.
  • Import Contacts: Alternatively, import contacts from your email, phone, or other contact management systems.

Organize Contacts

  • Categorize: Group your contacts into categories like clients, prospects, partners, etc. This helps you keep track of different types of relationships.
  • Add Tags and Notes: Use tags to further categorize contacts and add notes for specific details about each contact.

Benefit: With all your contacts neatly organized and easy to find, you save time and reduce the risk of missing important information.

Step 3: Managing Tasks

Create Tasks

  • Add Tasks: Create tasks related to your contacts or projects. For example, you can add a task to follow up with a client or prepare a proposal.
  • Set Deadlines and Reminders: Assign due dates to your tasks and set reminders so you don't forget important deadlines.

Organize Tasks

  • Prioritize: Mark tasks as high or low priority to help you focus on what's most important.
  • Track Progress: Use TODD to track the progress of your tasks, checking them off as you complete them.

Benefit: Keeping track of tasks and deadlines ensures you stay organized and on top of your responsibilities, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

Step 4: Streamlining Emails

Link Emails to Contacts

  • Connect Email Accounts: Link your email accounts to TODD so it can automatically organize your emails by contact.
  • View Email History: See all emails from a contact in one place, making it easy to reference past communications.

Automate Email Organization

  • Filters and Folders: Use filters and folders to automatically sort incoming emails, ensuring important messages are never lost.
  • Email Templates: Create and use email templates for common responses, saving you time on routine communications.

Benefit: Efficient email management means you spend less time searching for messages and more time focusing on meaningful interactions.

Step 5: Finding Opportunities

Analyze Data

  • Opportunity Detection: TODD analyzes your contacts and emails to identify potential sales opportunities and partnerships.
  • Reports and Insights: Get detailed reports and insights on your communication patterns, helping you spot trends and areas for improvement.

Act on Opportunities

  • Follow Up: Use the insights to follow up on leads at the right time, increasing your chances of closing deals.
  • Schedule Meetings: Schedule meetings with prospects directly through TODD, ensuring you stay proactive in your outreach.

Benefit: Identifying and acting on opportunities helps you grow your business and make informed decisions based on data.

Step 6: Staying On Track

Dashboard and Notifications

  • Dashboard: Use TODD's dashboard to get an overview of your tasks, contacts, and communications. This keeps you informed about your daily priorities.
  • Notifications: Receive notifications for upcoming tasks, meetings, and follow-ups, ensuring you never miss an important event.

Benefit: Staying informed and on top of your daily activities helps you manage your time effectively and stay productive.

By following these steps, you can see how TODD helps you organize your business, manage tasks, streamline communication, and find new opportunities. It's like having a personal assistant that keeps everything in check, so you can focus on growing your business.

Tyrone Showers