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1 Jul 2024
  • Website Development

Why Customers Don't Know What They Want Until You Show Them

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

Why Steve Jobs Was Right: Customers Don't Know What They Want Until You Show Them

At Taliferro Group, we often reflect on a famous quote by Steve Jobs: "People don't know what they want until you show it to them." This wisdom rings true in our experience. We receive countless feature requests and ideas from our users, but we've learned that not every wish translates into a valuable or necessary addition. Here's why we take a consultative approach to every request and how it helps us deliver what truly matters.

The Challenge of Endless Requests

As developers and consultants, we love hearing from our users. Your feedback drives our innovation. However, we've noticed a recurring pattern: many requested features, once delivered, go unused. This phenomenon underscores Steve Jobs' insight—users often don't realize what will genuinely enhance their experience until they see it in action.

Consultative Approach to Feature Requests

When a request comes in, our first step is to put on our consulting hats. We evaluate each suggestion through the lens of our expertise and experience. We ask critical questions: How will this feature impact the user experience? Does it solve a significant problem or add substantial value? Will it be widely used? This consultative approach ensures that we prioritize the most beneficial features.

Balancing Innovation with Practicality

Our goal is to strike a balance between innovation and practicality. While we love introducing cutting-edge features, we also understand the importance of practicality. Each feature must serve a real purpose and improve the overall functionality of TODD. By carefully assessing each request, we ensure that our updates are not only innovative but also practical and valuable.

Examples from Our Journey

Consider a recent request for a highly specific task management feature. Initially, it seemed like a great idea. However, after evaluating its potential impact and consulting with other users, we realized it would have limited use. Instead, we focused on enhancing existing features that had broader applicability and more significant benefits. This decision ultimately led to a more positive user experience.

Understanding User Needs

Part of our consultative approach involves understanding the underlying needs behind a request. Sometimes, a suggestion may not be feasible as presented, but it highlights a genuine need or problem. By identifying and addressing these core needs, we can develop solutions that users may not have initially envisioned but ultimately find invaluable.

The Value of Feedback and Collaboration

Your feedback is crucial to our development process. We value every suggestion and idea, even if it doesn't make it into the final product. Each piece of feedback helps us understand your needs better and guides our decision-making process. Collaboration between our team and our users is essential for continuous improvement.

Delivering What Truly Matters

At Taliferro Group, our mission is to deliver features and updates that truly matter. By taking a consultative approach and carefully evaluating each request, we ensure that TODD remains a powerful and practical tool for our users. We aim to show you what you need before you even realize it, making your experience with TODD as seamless and productive as possible.

Conclusion: The Steve Jobs Philosophy

Steve Jobs' philosophy reminds us that innovation is not just about listening to what users say they want, but understanding their needs and delivering solutions they didn't even know were possible. At Taliferro Group, we embrace this approach, using our consulting expertise to evaluate and prioritize requests, ensuring that every update to TODD is valuable and impactful. Thank you for your feedback and trust in our process as we continue to enhance your experience with TODD.

Tyrone Showers