25 Jul 2023
  • Website Development

Prioritizing Tech Strategy for Sustainable Business Growth

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


Technological strategy and modernization are no longer mere adjuncts to a company's operational plan, but rather, indispensable pillars upon which successful growth is built. Regrettably, an alarming number of businesses neglect to accord these facets the importance they rightfully deserve. This oversight, this bureaucratic blindness, often results in stunted growth, and in some cases, may even precipitate an organization's downfall.

Modernization Neglect

Neglecting to routinely update and modernize a company's technical strategy is akin to navigating the high seas with an antiquated map. As businesses increasingly rely on technology for their core operations, the failure to embrace and adopt state-of-the-art systems and strategies could render an enterprise alarmingly anachronistic in an unforgivingly competitive marketplace.

The obsolete technical Strategy

A poorly maintained technical strategy could inadvertently create a chokepoint, constricting the flow of innovation and efficiency. This lack of adaptability and scalability, in turn, inhibits growth. Enterprises get ensnared in a morass of outdated procedures, bloated processes, and sluggish systems that dampen productivity and stifle potential opportunities.


The issue becomes even more complex when it's cloaked in a veil of familiarity and comfort. Leadership often tends to rely on advice from long-standing business associates. While this is a logical consequence of trust built over years, it runs the risk of fostering a myopic perspective. Objectivity may gradually be eroded, resulting in skewed advice and decision-making that fails to take into account the broader industry landscape and contemporary technological advancements.

Consequently, it becomes paramount for companies to periodically revisit their approach, ideally on a quarterly basis. This regular reappraisal ensures that they remain aligned with industry trends, facilitating agile responses to changes in the business environment. However, the source of this review and advice should not be tied down by years of familiarity. An independent source, unencumbered by past affiliations and unblinded by long-standing relationships, is crucial for providing an objective and unbiased perspective.

Get a second opinion

Seeking counsel from an independent source offers multiple benefits. First, it presents a fresh set of eyes to scrutinize the organization's technical strategy, unclouded by bias or preconceived notions. Second, it ensures that the strategy is evaluated from a broader industry perspective, considering the latest trends, innovations, and best practices. Lastly, it discourages complacency and encourages constructive criticism, which is instrumental in driving improvement and growth.

Leadership plays an integral role in this process. It is incumbent upon those in positions of power to instigate a culture of continuous learning and evolution. Leadership must champion the importance of technical strategy and modernization, not as ephemeral trends but as the lifeblood of the organization's future. The active involvement of leadership in this endeavor not only reinforces its importance but also enables the diffusion of this culture throughout the organization.

At the same time, leadership should recognize the value of vulnerability, that acknowledging the need for help is a strength rather than a weakness. It takes a certain degree of organizational humility to admit that an external perspective might be beneficial. Yet, this is precisely the kind of humility that fosters a culture of continuous improvement, that kindles the flame of curiosity, and that fuels the engine of growth.


The adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" no longer holds water. Complacency is the bane of progress. The world is evolving at breakneck speed, and organizations must not only keep pace but aim to stay ahead. This necessitates an unflagging commitment to revisiting and modernizing the company's technical strategy.

By ensuring a regular, unbiased review of their technical strategy, businesses can propel themselves onto a trajectory of sustainable growth. Leadership's pivotal role in this process cannot be overstated. It is they who must steer the ship, adjusting the sails to capture the winds of technological advancement and navigate the company to the shores of success.

Tyrone Showers