23 Jul 2023
  • Website Development

Lost and Found: The Tale of a Misplaced Apple Pencil

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro

One dark evening, as my consort extended her arm to deliver my beloved iPad to me as I lounged languidly in our shared sleeping quarters, she inadvertently dislodged the companion Apple Pencil from its magnetized cradle perched on the device's edge. Oddly enough, we didn't witness the trajectory of the displaced stylus, nor did our ears register the expected thud of its landing. Consequently, our primary location of interest was the immediate vicinity beneath our slumbering platform. However, our hastily conducted nocturnal search failed to unearth the elusive instrument.

Our bafflement grew exponentially as it was not nestled within the folds of our bedding, nor was it secreted away in the twin drawers of our bedside furnishing. We did entertain the idea that perhaps these drawers may have been ajar prior to the stylus's descent, hence our futile excavation. As the witching hour drew near, I decided to postpone the continuation of our search until the dawn.

With the arrival of the new day, I armed myself with a dust mop, intending to trawl the hardwood underbelly of our bed. To my chagrin, the only treasures I unearthed were dust bunnies and discarded fabric sheets, the stylus still as elusive as ever. I even conducted a complete deconstruction of the nightstand, removing every object from its surface and interior, elevating it in a desperate search for our lost item, to no avail. Several days proceeded in this frustrating manner, the stylus stubbornly resisting all attempts at discovery.

It's worth noting that the Apple Pencil's lack of compatibility with the 'FindMy' application ruled out any possibility of utilizing technology to aid our search. However, I stumbled upon an alternate application, functioning as a Bluetooth radar, that tempted me greatly. Nevertheless, I refrained, trusting in my belief that the stylus must indeed be within the confines of our room.

My daily mattress lifting and sheet removal ritual continued with the same disappointing results. However, fortune favored us one fateful day when my wife, intrigued by the opposite side of our bed, crouched to investigate. As I wielded the iPad, its illumination serving as an ad hoc torch, my wife proclaimed her discovery of the elusive Apple Pencil.

To my utter astonishment, she pointed towards the cryptic location of our prize, lodged against the underbelly of the bed frame, its magnet clinging tenaciously to the metallic structure. An aerial viewpoint would not reveal its location; only a perspective from below would make the concealed stylus visible. Thus, our perplexing mystery found its resolution in the most unexpected place, serving as an amusing testament to the trials and tribulations of our seemingly endless search.

Tyrone Showers