27 Jan 2023
  • Website Development

Diversity & Inclusion in Software Delivery

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


If you are an individual of African descent employed in the technology industry, you likely find yourself frequently marginalized in the realm of software delivery. The domain is overwhelmingly dominated by individuals of Caucasian origin and male gender, making it arduous to locate role models or mentors who share your ethnic background. However, despite the obstacles encountered, I have embraced my distinct viewpoint and employed it to infuse a novel outlook into the software delivery process.

Software Delivery

Throughout my tenure in the technology sector, I have observed a recurring need for enhanced diversity within project teams. This dearth of variety often engenders a lack of comprehension regarding the requirements and perspectives of diverse user groups, ultimately leading to the creation of products and services that fail to fulfill the needs of all. Personally, I have experienced the repercussions of this deficiency firsthand and witnessed the adverse consequences it inflicts upon underrepresented communities excluded from the development process.

Addressing the Issue

Effectively addressing this concern necessitates proactive measures that encompass the incorporation of diverse perspectives throughout the software delivery process. Such measures entail the recruitment and employment of individuals hailing from underrepresented groups, fostering an inclusive environment that embraces and values differing outlooks. Furthermore, it entails actively seeking feedback and insights from users who may lack representation within the development team, thereby guaranteeing that the final product caters to the needs of all.

Cultural Sensitivity

Another facet of the software delivery process in which I have encountered challenges pertains to the vital requirement for heightened cultural sensitivity and comprehension. This concern manifests in various ways, ranging from the utilization of insensitive language within code comments to the design of user interfaces that neglect to consider the accessibility requirements of individuals with disabilities. My personal journey has necessitated navigating these hurdles, and I have discovered that my unique vantage point has aided me in identifying and rectifying such issues.


As an individual navigating the intricacies of software delivery while existing on the fringes, I have encountered numerous challenges. However, by actively pursuing and incorporating diverse perspectives and displaying sensitivity towards cultural issues, we can work towards the creation of software that is inclusive and accessible to all individuals, transcending barriers and fostering a more equitable technological landscape.

Tyrone Showers