25 Feb 2023
  • Website Development

Mastering Company Politics: Tips for Consultants

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


As a consultant, you are often brought in to help a company solve a particular problem or achieve a specific goal. In many cases, this involves navigating company politics, which can be tricky. Company politics are an organization's informal, unwritten rules and power dynamics. These dynamics can be positive and negative, but as a consultant, it's essential to remain neutral to do your job effectively. Here are some tips for navigating company politics as a consultant.

Be aware of the power dynamics

Before you begin working with a new company, it's essential to take the time to observe and understand the power dynamics within the organization. This includes identifying the key players, who have the most influence, and who the decision-makers are. This information will help you navigate the organization more effectively and avoid getting caught up in power struggles.

Stay objective

As a consultant, your job is to provide objective advice and recommendations based on your expertise and experience. This means that you need to remain neutral and avoid taking sides in any company politics that may arise. It's essential to respect everyone's opinions and perspectives, even if you disagree with them.

Build relationships with everyone

To be effective as a consultant, you need to build relationships with everyone in the organization, from the front-line employees to the top executives. This means being approachable, friendly, and helpful. By making these relationships, you'll better understand the organization and be better equipped to navigate any company politics that may arise.

Focus on results

Your primary goal is to help the company achieve its objectives. This means focusing on results and delivering on your promises. By doing so, you'll gain the trust and respect of everyone in the organization, regardless of their position or influence. This will help you navigate company politics, as people will be more likely to listen to your advice and recommendations.

Keep communication channels open

Communication is key to navigating company politics as a consultant. It's essential to keep communication channels open with everyone in the organization, from the front-line employees to the top executives. This means being available to answer questions, provide feedback, and address concerns. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to navigate company politics, as people will be more likely to trust and respect you.

Avoid getting caught up in gossip or rumors

Company politics often involve gossip and rumors. As a consultant, avoiding getting caught up in these conversations is essential. Instead, focus on the facts and the objectives of the project. By doing so, you'll be able to remain neutral and avoid getting drawn into any power struggles or conflicts.

Be transparent

As a consultant, you must be transparent about your intentions, goals, and recommendations. This means being clear about what you hope to achieve and how you plan to achieve it. By being transparent, you'll be able to build trust and credibility with everyone in the organization, regardless of their position or influence.

Know when to walk away

Despite your best efforts, there may be times when navigating company politics becomes too difficult or impossible. In these situations, it's essential to know when to walk away. This means being honest and transparent about why you are leaving and offering any advice or recommendations that may be helpful in the future.


Navigating company politics as a consultant can be challenging, but remaining neutral and focused on the project's objectives is essential. By building relationships with everyone in the organization, staying objective, and keeping communication channels open, you'll be better equipped to navigate company politics. Remember to keep focused on results, and avoid getting caught up in gossip or rumors.

Tyrone Showers