3 Dec 2023
  • Website Development

The Milli Vanilli Phase of AI

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


In the early 1990s, the pop music world was rocked by the Milli Vanilli scandal, where the Grammy-winning duo was revealed to be lip-syncing to someone else's vocals. This event, initially seen as a significant deception, now ironically mirrors the current state of AI in the field of writing. Just as Milli Vanilli was vilified for lip-syncing—a practice that later became commonplace in the music industry—we are now witnessing a similar transition in writing, with AI's role becoming increasingly prominent.

The Resistance to Change: From Analog to Digital, and Now to AI

Humanity has a storied history of resisting technological change. The transition from analog to digital is a prime example. There was a time when digital formats were looked down upon, considered inferior to their analog counterparts. Today, digital is the norm, and analog is more of a niche preference. We are at a similar crossroads with AI in writing. Initially met with skepticism and accusations of inauthenticity, AI writing is gradually becoming an accepted tool, much like digital technology did.

The Milli Vanilli of Writing

The current phase of AI in writing can be likened to the Milli Vanilli phenomenon. Writers who use AI tools are sometimes accused of lacking authenticity or originality—echoing the criticism Milli Vanilli faced. However, what's often overlooked is the creative direction and input that these writers provide. Just as Milli Vanilli contributed to their performances in style and presentation, writers using AI tools are still very much a part of the creative process, guiding the narrative and infusing their unique perspectives.

The Inevitable Acceptance

History shows us that resistance to new technology diminishes over time. AI writing tools, like digital technologies before them, will likely become ubiquitous in the writing process. The focus will gradually shift from the novelty of AI-written content to the quality and creativity of the output. Writers will be recognized for how effectively they harness AI tools to enhance their work, rather than for simply using AI.


We are entering a new era of co-creation, where AI and human creativity merge to produce exceptional work. The Milli Vanilli phase of AI in writing is just a transitional period, a stepping stone towards a future where AI assists in realizing human creative potential. As with the transition from analog to digital, the initial resistance to AI in writing will likely give way to widespread acceptance and integration. In this new landscape, the artistry will lie not in whether AI is used, but in how it is used to complement and elevate human creativity.

Tyrone Showers