28 Dec 2022
  • Website Development

Smart Strategies to Optimize Cloud Service Spending for Business

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


cloud services can be a great business tool but also have a high price tag. If you aren't careful, cloud services can add up and cost your company more than necessary. But it's not all bad news - there are ways to cut back on unnecessary costs and keep more of your money where it belongs: in your pocket.

Businesses waste lots of money on cloud services they don't use or need

As a business owner, you want to ensure your company gets the most out of its cloud services. But there's a big problem—most businesses waste lots of money on cloud services they don't use or need.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this common mistake and keep your cloud spending under control. You need to know what you're doing to get the best deals, from storage space to virtual private networks (VPNs.)

Use reporting tools to see what is and isn't being used

If you are paying for a cloud service that doesn't report on usage, you'll never know what you're using or not using. Use a service that reports on your usage so you can be sure to only pay for what's being used.

Make sure you are getting the best price for the services you are using

When you need to buy cloud services, ensure that your company gets the best deal on those services. You can do this by using a price comparison tool that will show you costs from multiple vendors in one place and then let you negotiate with different companies to get the best price possible.

Do not assume that just because one vendor has offered lower prices than another, they will also provide better customer service or support during problem-resolution times.

Don't assume you need all of the features a service offers

Many services offer more than you'll ever need, and it can be tempting to get them because of the extra bells and whistles. But keep these temptations from leading you into overspending on your cloud services. Before signing up for something new, make sure it will be beneficial for your business in the future. Also, make sure that even if the service does become valuable down the road, there won't be another one with a similar use case popping up by then (which may end up costing less.)

Refrain from assuming you will use a service in the future

This is related to our previous tip: Don't assume anything about what will happen next month or tomorrow. Chances are good that something unexpected will come along and change how much time they want to dedicate towards using new things—and chances are also that this unexpected change won't always align with their budgeting goals either.

If possible, try not making any commitments until right before they start using a new product/program, so there isn't too much time spent committing ahead of time; if something comes up at work where priorities have shifted significantly enough, such as needing additional resources from internal departments or outside IT department itself, ask yourself whether those resources would help out before making any commitments here since this could potentially add costs later down the line when trying to cover those extra hours needed.

Check your cloud services regularly to ensure you get the most for your money

Checking your cloud services regularly to ensure you are getting the most for your money is a good idea for several reasons. For one thing, using the appropriate services for your needs is essential. This also saves money on unnecessary services and helps ensure security and compliance in case of audits or other regulatory requirements. It can also help save money on storage space if you find out that files need to be accessed more frequently to justify keeping them stored in the cloud. In addition, checking your cloud services can help ensure that rates are competitive with similar offerings from competitors. Many companies have found that they pay too much each month because they haven't looked at their billing statements regularly enough—if they did so religiously, they would likely find ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality or value (or offering any less service.)


With the right tools and processes in place, you can get control of your cloud spending and ensure that your organization uses only the services it needs.

Tyrone Showers