20 Dec 2022
  • Website Development

Adult Student Guide to Navigating School's Learning System

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By Tyrone Showers
Co-Founder Taliferro


As an adult student, you're likely to have many questions about how to use the school's Learnig Management System (LMS.) If it's your first day in a class and you've never used the LMS before, this guide will help you navigate the system and get started with your coursework.

How to log in

On the left side of your screen, you'll see a menu with options for logging in to your course and getting help.

Click on "Log In," select your course from the dropdown menu that appears, and then click "OK."

You'll be asked to enter your username and password (these were sent to you by the system administrator). Then click on "Log In" again. You will now be taken to the start page of your course.

How to create a strong password

A strong password should be at least 12 characters. It should contain a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It should not be a common word or phrase, such as your first name, nickname, or pet's name. This can make it easy to guess someone who knows you well enough to have access to these details about you (e.g., an ex-partner). You should also avoid any other information that could be used easily in an attempt to guess your password (e.g., the year of birth). Avoid using personal information that might be easy for others to guess.

Where to find course materials

A course's location depends on how your school has organized its resources and learning materials.

Some schools have made all resources available on the school's website. This is often called "open source" or "open content." Other schools keep most of their resources on a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment), which is more like an intranet than a public website.

Other schools prefer a hybrid approach: some courses may be available on the school's website and its VLE, but other courses only appear on one platform.

How to submit assignments online

To submit an assignment, you must log into your account. Click on its title within My Files or choose it under My Assignments in My Profile. Once you have logged in successfully, a green tick should be next to it, indicating identity confirmation. If this link doesn't appear for some reason or there is another problem with submitting assignments online, please get in touch with your school.

How to enter grades and feedback through the LMS

Some schools use Totara to collect grades and feedback daily. Other schools prefer to use Totara as a way of recording student work and then entering grades and feedback manually, either through the LMS or via email.

As an adult student, using the school's LMS should be easy. It should be intuitive and help you to learn more quickly. Totara is a popular LMS that can make this happen for you.

Totara is available on all devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile) and works across any browser and operating system. So there's no need to worry about compatibility issues with your computer or laptop! You don't have to worry about installation either - Totara works immediately without you having to install anything or create an account first; click on the link in your email from your school, and away you go!


It's important to remember that you can ask the school for help at any time. They are there to help. So if anything seems confusing or overwhelming, feel free to contact them immediately.

Tyrone Showers